
mon-tue | closed
wed-thu | 17 - 01
fri-sat | 17 - 02
sun | closed

Reservations and quotations for cocktail-classes.

tiima [at]

Tiima - An award winning cocktail bar in the heart of Tampere

Tiima was founded in Olympia Quarters in 2017, in the space formerly occupied by a clocksmith’s shop. You can still find a lot of small articles on the shelves, reminding of the times passed and the walls are still covered with tens of stalled old clocks. Just like the hands of the clocks, the time seems to have halted in Tiima, somewhere between the swinging 60’s and 70’s, for now. The focus point in Tiima is at world class cocktails and a pleasant service. From the menu you can find Tiima’s own signature cocktails and international classics, not to forget tasty non-alcoholic mixed drinks. Back bar is filled with a wide range of spirits, especially a wide selection of whiskeys and gins.

Private events in Tiima

You can book Tiima for your own private event! You can arrange your unforgettable party right in the center of Tampere, for your business, for your birthday, anniversary or bachelor party. You name it. You can also book a cocktail work shop, for your group. What ever you can think of just let us know.

Contact us

Live music, dinenr and delicious cocktails, all under the same roof.

Tiiman naapurissa, Olympia-korttelin katutasossa sijaitseva ravintola Muusa on täydellinen istuskelupaikka, jossa voit odotella pöydän vapautumista silloin kun kellokaupassa on täyttä. Yläkerran Olympia on Tampereen kiinnostavimpia keikkapaikkoja, joten Olympia-korttelissa voit käydä syömässä tai cocktaililla ennen keikkaa ja jatkaa iltaa keikan jälkeen. Olympia-korttelin lahjakorteilla voit maksaa sekä ruuat, juomat että keikkaliput.

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